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"I Want More" - Heidi

One of the statements I hear the most while talking with first time or potential clients is "I'm not a model like the women on your website." My reply... They aren't models, they are women...young women, moms, even grandmas.

A question I get asked just as frequently (in some variation) , "Do you shoot women on the heavier side?" My reply... I capture the beauty in all women. Boudoir photography isn't about having a "perfect body," but feeling sexy and being comfortable in your own skin, regardless of your dress size.

I've had the privilage of working with Heidi now twice, and she is a breath of fresh air. She loves her husband, and her husband loves her... All of her, just like she is. And I love the images we have created together.

I’ll let Heidi describe her experience in her own words…

“I am a typical woman. I want to be thinner, who doesn’t, but I’m where I’m at right now in this season of my life. I am over 40, and overweight. The difference between me and some other women is that I am comfortable in my own skin. I have a man that loves my curves; every lump and bump, every roll and dimple!

That being said, I have NEVER, and I mean NEVER had or thought about doing a photo shoot without my clothes! For a few years, my husband, then fiancé, would in passing say to me “let me take pictures of you naked”. Not with your phone, NOT ON YOUR LIFE!!! Then I really got to thinking about it seriously. Why not try to find someone who does this for a living? I’m certain there are airbrush tricks and photo shop techniques that will make me look “good”, right? RIGHT? I did some research and decided to take the plunge.

I called Ben at For Your Eyes Boudoir Photography and immediately felt comfortable. We talked for about an hour on the phone, and he put me at ease when I said “I’ll kick you out if you say that three letter ‘F’ word.” I knew then, that this was not just about my man’s reaction, it was about MINE."

"He gave me the schpeel about what kinds of things to bring and we finally met. I brought a few of my honey’s favorite outfits and a few of mine. Like I said, I am a plus sized gal, so the thought of getting undressed in front of someone I didn’t know was a bit intimidating. Ben was polite and respectful, but most of all he made me feel comfortable before we took one photograph! We talked for about 30 minutes (this was my first shoot) about my outfits and why I chose the way I did. Then it began."

"We started with clothes on then as the shoot progressed and I felt more comfy, I started to change. Not only my outfits changed, but so did my attitude! I felt sexy, attractive, and VA-VA-VOOM! He periodically let me check the photos so I could see how we were progressing and I loved what I saw! I had NEVER seen myself like that and the pics weren’t even retouched yet. I just knew they were going to be AMAZING after he photo shopped about 50 pounds off of me! I couldn’t wait to see them."

"Here’s the good stuff… I got the pictures back and they weren’t photo shopped. I didn’t instantly look like a super model, but they were BEAUTIFUL… I WAS BEAUTIFUL!!! And sexy, flirty, and attractive. I have always thought I was ok looking, but NEVER saw myself like that before. Incidentally, that was just looking at the proofs! I wanted to order them all! I made my selections based on the advice of Ben… “LOOK AT YOUR FACE, NOT YOUR BODY!” If I had chosen only the ones without the cellulite, it was going to make for a pretty boring album for my husband-to-be! I chose the ones I felt sexy in, the ones I knew he would think I looked beautiful in, and they were not the ones where I was all covered up either."

"I appreciated Ben’s professionalism (he looked away whenever I was changing) and he has a great eye for detail. I cannot stress enough how BEAUTIFUL I felt. I kept saying “wow, you did such a good job” and he said “I didn’t do anything but take pictures. It was ALL YOU”. Ladies, he is right. We collaborated on some AMAZING photography that my husband, literally, cried over, and I saw true beauty in those photographs.

I know my husband was shocked to see that I actually did this for him, but also the way that they turned out. I know I’m not a super model, but I’m his super model AND I am FAT. I don’t typically fit the boudoir photography model criteria, but I killed it! I felt gorgeous and strong and sexy, not only for my man, but most importantly, FOR MYSELF. I would do it again a million times, and it is worth the investment."

Here are a few words from her husband…

“I had asked my wife to let me take photos like these for awhile. I was absolutely STUNNED to get these from her as a wedding gift. I have always thought she was gorgeous, no matter what size she is, and these just BLEW ME AWAY. Not only were the professional photos more than what I would have ever expected, they captured every beautiful part of her that I love. When she handed them to me, I was speechless; in fact, I cried because I was so happy and she looked so fantastic. I even got a new set for Valentine’s Day that I’ll treasure just as much. Ben really captured my wife in a way only I have seen in my mind’s eye. I know they made her feel great too, knowing that she was doing it for me! I can’t say thank you enough.”

Want to schedule your own boudoir experience? Give us a call or fill our our contact form!


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