You're Never Fully Undressed without a Laugh!
We love when our clients laugh during their boudoir session. Whether they’re laughing with us, or at us, or even laughing for reasons we may not know… It is one of the most beautiful things to capture in a photograph.
We thought we’d share some of these moments along with thoughts from the women who have cracked up and giggled in their photos as they reminisce about their experience shooting with For Your Eyes Boudoir Photography and who they see when they look back at their photo.

Berry - "Ben knows how to lighten the mood and make me laugh during sessions. I'm not always confident during a session. In those moments, laughter and humor bring me back to feeling like my awesome self. I see my carefree self in this photo, the one I don't get to see enough. Life can be hard and I can be hard on myself. A genuine smile helps me look and feel younger, lighter. Seeing myself in this image makes me feel like the happy confident person I am."

Alyssia - "Ben can always find a way to may you laugh. I always look forward to sharing the space with them and the constant laughs and smiles through the entire experience. They make you feel more and more comfortable as the session goes on giving a lot of reassurance in your poses, angles, & lighting. Always, always so much fun! In this photo I see a lot of joy & happiness in someone who may take life too seriously sometimes. I rarely smile in photos so I’m so glad that Ben was there to share and capture that raw moment with me."

Kristin - "When I look at this photo, I truly see me, not a fake laugh, but a hearty one. I can even hear my ugly laugh/snort. Haha, just kidding even though I’m 99% sure that’s what was happening. I’m my own biggest critic but, seeing that picture of me, speaks a thousands words and I know it’s a true laugh by they way nose is scrunched up. It’s joy and literal happiness that made me forget for a second that I was almost naked under those sheets. Ben greeted me with such an amazingly warm and friendly atmosphere that made me truly relax and be ME. I tend to have social anxiety with people I’ve never met, and struggle with trying to be myself and not cage up. And like most women, I have insecurities. It was like he was a magician… abracadabra… BAM… insecurities and social anxiety be-gone but, just smiles and laughter the whole time. It was like visiting an old friend that were able to pick up a conversation as if we never departed, that’s how it felt with Ben. I honestly do not know of anyone else I’d want to take my boudoir pics. He is absolutely phenomenal, talented, and professional, and I HIGHLY recommend them. Take it from someone who is extremely awkward, I promise you won’t regret your time."

Lissa - "I was acting shy about showing my chest, but in no way am I shy about showing my chest! Being silly is what I’m about! When I see myself in the photo I see & feel pure joy! It was a great experience!!"

Lovisa - "I see a true laugh. There are some laughing, or even just smiling photos that you see and you can just tell that it's fake. The smile in this photo is real, and something that's rarely actually caught on camera, in my case anyway. I'm used to smiling for photos but not having anything behind it. It's nice to see a smile/laugh that is so clearly genuine and free."

Haley - "I started laughing during this photo because it was such a great and empowering shoot! Feeling comfortable was something I was worried about before I had gotten there, but once I arrived my mind was put to ease! I see myself being truly happy and comfortable with who I am. Kudos to Ben for the great shot!"

Loek - "In this photo of me, I see a woman who feels comfortable and relaxed in her body. Being a little bit older and self conscious about my body I was very nervous at first, but I soon realized that Ben and I had the same sense of humor. I never thought I would feel free enough to be sharing jokes with my boudoir photographer while being partly undressed! Ben definitely has the talent to make the experience relaxed and fun."

Megan - "This photo reminds me that there is a softer, bubbly side to my personality and it's beautiful. Being a single mom of three children, it can be difficult to remember that. I remember feeling a little awkward at the beginning of my session, so there was definitely nervous laughter in the beginning. Once I started to feel more comfortable, The experience was extremely rewarding and I had so much fun!"

Karen - "Early on, my own nervousness made me laugh, but soon into the session the laughter came from genuine fun of being with two outstanding professionals who just made it real and natural. There was joking and honesty and it made natural laughter come easy! When I look back at this photo, I see someone enjoying themselves and the feeling of 'glad I’m doing this!'"

Mary - "When I look back at the photo I can completely tell I was quickly at ease and remember how much fun my boudoir session was. It was something I never thought I could do, but it was so fun! Looking back at that picture I see pure excitement in my face!"

Heather - "I'm always so comfortable shooting with Ben. I have lovingly titled this photo "I'll seduce you with my awkwardness". Lol. That's me, not the typical sexy flirt. I'm awkward, goofy and a total geek."