Boom Box Booty

When you enter your first photo contest you don't really have any expectations. You especially don't expect for one of the 50 photos you submit to be titled “Boom Box Booty” by dozens of fellow voting photographers and become a topic of conversation in the content’s Facebook group page.
Out of the 17,408 boudoir photos submitted to the 2020 Shoot and Share contest, “Boom Box Booty” kept bumping up through the rounds and finished 28th! It received 249 hearts as well from voters that deemed it one of their favorites.
Maybe it was the boom box, maybe it was the booty, or perhaps the combination of both together, but the buzz creating during the voting process even carried over after the results came in when a lot of people thought it would place in the top 20 or even 1st place.
But I was thrilled that any of my photos placed at all, and enjoyed reading how much people enjoyed voting for it, not being able to mention that the photos was mine. All the photographers are to remain anonymous throughout the voting process, but many were curious to find out who shot it, and many admitted voting for it dozens of times.
The story behind "Boom Box Booty" is that I can't take credit for the idea of using the boom box as a prop. The photo was taken during a fitness photo/video shoot collaboration with Landon Price, Zane West, and model Payton (Filson) Thomason. Landon brought the boom box, and Payton brought the booty.
Some of our favorite comments about “Boom Box Booty”
“Will we be able to see how many times we voted for a certain photo? I'd love to see how many times I have honestly voted for Boom Box Booty. For me it makes me think something other than sex while looking at it. I mean I know that’s the point of boudoir, but this makes me think a dude (or girl if that’s their thing) would be turned on in a different type of way. That’s what I love about it. It’s cool and old school and something about it makes it the fav for me in that category. It's sexy but also cool. The photographer is going to win because of me, I'm convinced!”
“I love that one. I love that it’s not like the others. There are a lot of smokin hot booties, but they all start to look the same eventually.”
“Showed my husband boom box booty... i think we are headed for divorce now... love the photo, but I’ll never have that booty.”
“Voted and voted and voted and voted ... if that’s not the number one booty at the end ... well... I’ll be damn shocked.”
“BOOM BOX BOUDOIR BUTT you are my favorite & vote EVERY TIME. . . magical shot, kudos to whomever shot it!”
“Hands down one of my favorite images this year!”
“I haven’t seen that boom box booty photo in two day! Y’all better keep voting for that ass!
“So creative. I wonder if they just grabbed whatever was there of if there's a story behind it.”
“I have seen boombox booty so many times I bet I will dream about it tonight!”
“I’m thinking boom box butt is going to get 1st place! I voted for it so much hah. Can’t wait to see who shot it.”
“Pretty sure I’m the reason Boom Box Booty is in the finals (besides the fact that it’s great in itself). I voted for it at least 50 times.”
“I think I've single handedly put boombox booty through. I have seen (and voted) for that one SOOOOOO MUCH every round.”
“Wow! I love this photo, I have butt envy...Move along while I go do a few squats!”